


In Diablo 4, players will come across various creatures on their adventures, including a venomous beast known as Ashava. This formidable foe possesses a bone blade on its arm and can spew poison and acid at players.

Diablo 4 Ashava Location

Ashava, the world boss in Diablo 4, can be found in the Fractured Peaks area, specifically within the Crucible.

Diablo 4 Ashava Abilities

Forearm Blades: Ashava is equipped with bony blades on its arms and will use them to attack players with both basic strikes and massive cleaves that require dodging.

Claw Slam: Ashava lifts one or both claws, marking a thin, gray circle on the ground before slamming down onto the targeted area, damaging any players caught inside.

Drag: Sometimes, Ashava will perform a Claw Slam with both claws and then drag them to its side, hitting anyone nearby. To avoid taking damage, move away from Ashava’s flank.

Charge / Jump: To engage ranged characters, Ashava will charge or jump in various directions across the battlefield. Players must move out of the way to avoid getting hurt.

Chomp: Ashava targets a player, rears its head back, and lunges forward to chomp down on them. If targeted, simply move away from the boss to avoid the attack.

Degree Spin: Ashava lifts a claw and performs a 360-degree spin, hitting players caught in its path. Players can either outrun the spin or maintain a safe distance. The boss may also execute 90-degree and 180-degree variations.

Poison Pools: Ashava occasionally exhales poison clouds that settle and form poisonous pools on the ground, forcing both melee and ranged players to reposition. These pools last for an extended period, so be mindful of your positioning, particularly when sidestepping or avoiding claw-based moves.

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